Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mix-it-up Monday

I know.  It's Tuesday.  But, yesterday was a holiday, so today feels like Monday.  And, I was in a parade and moved an SUV load of boxes yesterday.  No time for this post.  Therefore, you get it today.
This week, I will likely not walk much, meaning I won't say to myself, "Wow, what a lovely day. I think I'll go for a walk."  I will, however, be traipsing up and down the stairs carrying heavy loads repeatedly.  So, for your Mix-it-up Monday advice, see what bit of housework that is a little out of the ordinary needs to be done.  And do it!  Count it as one of your workouts (as long as it's not filing papers or something, because that doesn't count.)  Instead of seeing it as housework, or as exercise, say, "Hey, I'm killing two birds with one stone!  Exercise and accomplishment!  What a great day!"
Tell me what you come up with! 

p.s. a good idea is moving the fridge or stove and cleaning under it.  especially if you move it yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Mix-it-up sounds like a good plan. I might actually do that today, since I've actually gone to the Y on Mon and Tuesday.
