Monday, May 4, 2009

Mix-it-up Monday

I thought I'd try something new. On Mondays (some Mondays, but probably not all Mondays) I will give you a suggestion for how to change up the routine. This week, I saw an article in R3aders' D1gest about adding weight training to your aerobic workouts. One study showed that people who did weight training instead of two aerobic workouts per week (this is assuming 5 workouts per week...we'll get there!) lost more weight and had better overall fitness than those who stuck with their five aerobic workouts. So, I suggest that you try to add some weights (kids count!) or resistance to your walking this week. Lift those kids a little higher. Play airplane with them (lie on your back, benchpress style, and lift them up and zoom them around.) Or use the groceries as weights while you walk them from your car to the kitchen. Find some way to add weight to your day, and you'll be more likely to lose it from your waist!

1 comment:

  1. I will try adding some weights to see how it goes. I have an 18 pounder that I haul around with me anyway, so might as well try to make her earn her keep. Ha!

    Have a great day!
