Friday, July 17, 2009

Okay, It's Friday!!!

I believe that both of you Ladies are going to the Y regularly. I would love to hear how it's going? Do you like going? Do you go to different Aerobic classes, Lift weights or just do Cardio?
I started the Biggest Loser Workouts this last Saturday and have done either the Cardio. or the Sculpt everyday, but yesterday (finishing a root canal was enough). But, right after this post, I'm off to do it for today!
I weighed myself the other day, and even though I am 6 lbs less than at the beginning of the year, going in the right direction, I'm hoping with more working out I can start to feel more of a difference. So, instead of a large goal. I am setting a small one. I would like to loose five more pounds! I would set a date, but I've noticed that I'm gaining some much needed muscle. I thought it would be good to have a goal, and record it to see how much time it takes for me to accomplish the goal.
Miss L, are you still planning to walk in the 5K? If so, I would like to sign-up. There will most likely be no running from me, but a good walk would be good! Do you have the details?
And, Lastly... are you gals eating differently? I've cut back, but am thinking about how to take it to the next level. Any ideas?


  1. Nope, not doing anything fancy. mostly, I swim while Levi is taking swim lessons. For my out-of-shape body, 25 minutes is a pretty dang good workout. My abs were sore last night because I swam pretty hard (for me) yesterday. For food, I have tried hard to pay attention to the snacks/junk food I eat. I can't cut chocolate out, but if I eat "better" chocolate, then I tend to eat less. And, we've been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables, especially since they're all in season! Haven't really lost much weight, but I feel a little better, so that's good.

  2. Hey there! Yep, I've been going to the Y, but I've mainly been walking or doing the elliptical machine. I've just started adding some weights to that and focusing on the abs (or should I say, lack of abs).

    I'm still planning on doing the 5K in the fall, but I will probably be doing a mix of jogging and walking. I've decided I'm still too heavy to actually try to run it (hurts the knees), as well as I've never been a great runner, but find I'm able to do more and more as the weeks go by.

    I'm excited for your idea of setting small goals, Jessica. My big goal right now is just to get to my pre-pregnancy weight that I started out with Quinlyn...which is now only 6 pounds away. Yay! This is great for me, because normally I don't try to start losing weight until AFTER I'm done nursing, and inevitably don't lose those last 10 pounds before getting pregnant again, but this time, I've been working out and we are done with babies (90% sure), so the fact that I'm actually BELOW that 10lb mark is great for my psyche.

    Keep up the great work, ladies!!! :)
