Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Welcome to Fit for the Queens!

A while ago, Laurenda posted a challenge: be ready for a 5K by October. We were reporting to each other at her place on Fridays, but we've sort of fallen off that track. I thought we needed a place to keep each other going. I don't have anyone to walk with here, so it was nice to know other ladies were walking "with" me from across the country. Let's get back to it!


  1. I'd hug you if I could get my arms to stretch out to California. What a great name for the blog!!!!! Thanks!!!!

  2. So, since you know all of the other people who were walking with us, it's your job to invite all the rest to be contributors. I started a blog list of just the contributors' personal blogs, but we can take it down if people don't like it.

  3. Actually, I shall post on my Zoo Blog and invite there because I can't do it officially, as I am a contributor but not the moderator. I think they can request to join, though, right? So, I'll post about it at the Zoo.

  4. Oh, is that how it works? You can have them email me, and I will invite them if it doesn't work for them to do the requesting.
