Friday, March 27, 2009

It's Friday...again

Well, how did you do this week? I know some were sick, or were dealing with sick kids. I was dealing with crazy neighbors that are trying to tell me my kids don't need to play outside with balls. Whatever! So, we're moving. We just don't know where yet. Yay, and Boo.

On a different note, what kinds of reminders would you like to see during the week? Setup Sundays, Motivational Mondays, Tear-em-up Tuesdays, Whiny Wednesdays? Any ideas you have for me to do, or you to contribute to would be lovely. Creativity is a challenge for me, regardless of what Elder Uchtdorf says.

Leave your walking report in the comments!


  1. I...didn't do so well. I don't have any specific walking times to report, just plenty of crazy running around. Although, since I am heading to baseball practice with A.J. in a bit, I'm sure I'll be able to get my workout in there!

  2. I'm not doing so well, either. I'm mentally working on getting back on track. However, my friend Kristan has now been back to the Y to work and walk 3 times. Alas, I cannot live vicariously through her.
